6 Tips to Increase Your AdSense Earnings


Google AdSense is a great way to monetize your web site. The ads shown are relevant to the content on the page. This is a big deal in increasing your click through rate because they are all ready looking for information in that niche.

There are people who are making hundreds of dollars a day using AdSense and there are others who are making a couple of dollars a day. The people making hundreds of dollars a day are the ones who have tried and tested certain techniques that have increased their AdSense earnings.

Here are some tips on how to increase your AdSense earnings.

1. Use the color palette and choose a color that matches your web site. This will make the AdSense ads look like they are part of the web pages. It is not screaming that these are ads and this will result in more clicks. This is also important because you are not the only who has a site in your niche. By using the color palette you are making your site different and unique.

2. Insert a 250 x 250 ad in the top left corner of your content. Wrap the text around the ad. This will also give it a look as the ads are part of your copy and will increase your click through rate.

3. Use the ad channels to help you track where the clicks are coming from. You can see which ad is being clicked, which page and if you have multiple web sites, which sites are getting clicked.

4. Use the AdSense link units at the top of the page. They look like the navigation bar of your site. Since the ads shown will relate to your content, you have a ads that people will click.

5. You need links to your site to generate traffic. Links are the most important factor in getting traffic to your site. Social bookmarking is a great way to get high level one way links back to your site. Social bookmarking is when you bookmark your favorite pages on the internet. There are many sites that offer this free service and the search engines love these sites for because they offer new and updated content on a daily basis.

You should bookmark every page of your site to these services, but do not do all your pages on the same day. Do about 4 or 5 pages a day. You want things to look natural, not like you are a spammer. To help you make this process a little bit easier and faster, go to www.socialmarker.com. Here you will see a list of social bookmarking sites. Visit the sites and sign up for a account. After you have an account at the different sites, social marker site will take you to the sites you choose so you can add your web page to their site. They have very simple instructions on the site which tell you exactly how to use this free service.

6. To help you get started quickly, look for AdSense templates. You can find good AdSense templates packages that have all the design and placement of the ads all ready placed in high click areas. Make sure they allow easy customization of each template.

These are just 6 tips that people have used to help increase their AdSense earnings. Give them a try and see what results you achieve. These tips have worked for others, so there is no reason why they should not work for you.

Now you know how to increase AdSense earnings-wouldn't you like to start putting this knowledge to use and start earning money with AdSense?


How to Earn the Monthly Income of a CEO Through Blogging


Blogging is an art of self-expression. Through the means of their blogs, people have a tendency to share their personal feelings and thoughts with like-minded individuals. Some blogs have millions of visitors while others have much less. Nonetheless, blogging experts clearly suggest that if you play smart, you can earn a living through this medium.

1. Opt For Product Reviews

There are various merchants who are on the lookout for blogs, which are getting a large number of visitors. Through the means of these blogs, they aspire to get their products reviewed. It all depends on the popularity of your blog. There are various individuals who can earn $30 per product review but if you happen to own a high traffic blog, you can easily make thousands of dollars as well.

2. Introduce Membership Options

In case you are aspiring to generate a steady flow of income through the means of your blog and you are clueless on how to do so, you can always opt for the membership option. Blogs that are converting in terms of traffic need to try and distribute memberships for a minimal charge. This would ensure that you earn a steady flow of income on a regular basis.

3. Sell Links On Your Blog

While there are numerous ways of making money through your blog, there is no better way than selling the links to your blogs to merchant sites. In the case that your website has a high Page Rank (PR) ranking, you can always sell your link for a sizable price. You can sell links on your blog to sites and make money on a monthly basis.


Best Blogger Templates - 3 Essential Tips to Choosing the Best Templates


Why Do You Need The Best Blogger Templates?

One thing for sure is that if you don't you'll stand to lose all those potential prospects that will read your content and earn you some good revenue. That means you fail to drive good traffic and retain them.

Not good news if you have spend hours and hours a week poring over the many contents and keyword research that was done. There has to be an easier way out so I believe these best blogger templates tips are not created for the author but also to attract eyeballs in the masses!

Tip 1: Basic And Simple Layout Counts

Whether you like it or not, layouts do play a part. How do you normally read your Latin based e-books or book in particular? From left to right and top to bottom. We should exactly mimic this style of reading when you choose your template.

There is no secret just basic human behavior and how readers will appreciate the ease of navigation when it comes to content searches on your website. Similarly, your blog can be used to be shaped this way and Blogger has a cool feature to do that which is found in 'template layout'.

Tip 2: Colors That Draw Instant Attention

Now, with this being said, I don't want to sound too focused on colors, but it does play an important role to determine whether your blog has a nice touch when it comes to getting the best attention span from each reader coming to your site.

Bright colors for sure will draw attention but if a person gets tired from just reading your content or main text then its about time to choose a more relaxing and refreshing color scheme. A background which always works is white or cream white.

Tip 3: Widgets and Other Excursions

Over the course of time you may encounter certain things like 'widget' add-on you can include in your blog and sometimes having the best blogger templates doesn't mean having this included in all your blog sites.

The point is to include only those tools which may directly contribute to the reach of your blog to readers online. Your goal should be to gather as much readers as possible and harness the potential of converting those visitors into sales or customers that will earn you revenue.

Counting Your Eggs

There's always a saying that you shouldn't count your chickens before they hatch. In the same way, you shouldn't feel compelled to rely on one style or one type of template that will yield you astounding results. Test a few and then see which ones gives you better results.


Blogging For Money - 4 Easy Tips


If you want to start blogging for money there are a few things you need to consider. To make money blogging you must have a plan and put that plan into action. Of course, there will be some trial and error; however, this is how you learn what works. These four blogging tips will help you with your plan and make you more money.

1. When you start blogging for money make a decision that you're going to stick with it no matter what. You may not make a lot in the beginning and feel like it isn't worth it. However, if you hang in there this will change and you will not be sorry you did.

2. Make sure you have researched the product you plan to sell. Is it in demand? What and who is your competition? Is it a trusted product and is the affiliate program you use a trusted one? For example, Amazon is a trusted name so you know if you are an affiliate for Amazon people will buy from them. People need to feel secure and if you're a newbie they don't know you, so to gain trust you need to use a name they do trust.

3. Do research on search engine optimization aka SEO even if you don't know what that means just do it. This will teach you how to get more traffic to your blog and show you how to set the blog and posts up for optimal results.

4. Find a mentor, one that has a proven method that works. This person will help escalate your earnings. In fact, you will make twice as much twice as fast by following in the footsteps of someone who knows exactly what to do.

That's what I did when I first started blogging for money I was clueless and needed help. One day I was reading about a woman who paid off $72,000 in debt just by blogging. She wasn't some guru, who claimed to know it all, but a housewife and mother of 4 who simply needed to pay off bills.

I decided she would be a great mentor; after all, she has a proven method. Wouldn't you like to have one too? Well, you can, check out the link below for details.


Seven Habits for Successfull Blogger

There are habits that successful Bloggers exude that you should be able to follow to be able to achieve their feats too.

Remember the adage that says 'you only need to climb the shoulder of a rich man to be richer than him (simply means learning and accepting mentoring from him).

Let's go there now and begin to learn from them;

1. They are good writers;

Successful bloggers are good writers; 'At least they try to do their best at writing'. Writing may not be very interesting for some but it's sure the very essence for blogging. As you continue to write your posts, you will continue to develop your skills in writing and get more confident doing it.

2. They blog consistently;

For you to be successful blogging, you need to regularly posts write-ups on your blog. Consistency shows you're in business and taking your business seriously. As you continually post to your blog, you start to get more followers and that increases your traffic.

3. They are natural about their post;

A blogger needs to write freely, devoid of fake write-ups. When you write, do so naturally, not following another writer's style or methods. You need to go with your own flow and rhythm. By so doing, your audience knows you're for real and not a fake; that earns you respect and traffic.

4. They know how to brand themselves;

Highly successful bloggers know how to brand themselves. Branding is creating a niche area for oneself, it is letting your readers know what you are about such that they know and understand the logic and methods of your discussions. Branding ensures people are able to tell the difference between your blog and others. This will have to go for your site presentation and other matters that concern your blog.

5. Begin with the end in mind;

Every successful blogger already has the end in mind from the start. As a starter blogger, you should have what you plan to achieve from your blog in mind and be able to visualize the end from the beginning. By so doing, you are able to follow a discrete pattern of production to achieving your set goal.

6. They enjoy criticism;

Successful bloggers are the most loved and also the most crucified. If you want to be very successful blogging, then you must be ready for the cross nailing, because you will be criticized. When you begin to get criticism that's when your success begins to come. Why?...because with criticism comes fame.

7. Are seriously Evil or Good;

If you really want to make millions from blogging, then your outlook and presentation has to reflect it. First you have to decide to be either good or bad. Somebody like John Chow is naturally Evil (bad guy) while Darren Rowse of problogger plays the good guy, either way they both are making very large chunk of money doing what they know to do best. Being evil does not mean you hurt people. Its just your style of presentation on your blog.

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