Understanding Google AdSense


Google AdSense allows webmasters to dynamically serve content relevant advertisements on web pages. If the visitor clicks one of the AdSense ads served to the website, the website owner is credited for the referral. Google's AdSense program essentially allows approved websites to dynamically serve Google's pay-per-click AdWord results.

Website maintenance related to AdSense is very easy and requires very little effort. Webmasters need only to insert a Google generated java script into the web page or website template.

Google's spider parses the AdServing website and serves ads that relate to the website's content. Google uses a combination of keyword matching and context analysis to determine what ads should be served. The java script calls the ad from Google and will ensure that ads are served each time a visitor goes to the web page.

Early on Google implemented a filtering system that allowed webmasters to prevent a specific domain's ads from being served on any websites in their account. Ad blocking meant that webmasters could prevent their competitor's ads from being dynamically served on their websites.

Google provides a wide variety of ad formats to match the most suitable option with a website. Webmasters can select from a handful of preformatted towers, inline rectangles, banners and buttons. The ad boxes can be modified by webmasters to resemble the website's color scheme.

Ads can be geo-targeted based on the visitor's location. Advertisements containing content in English, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Japanese, or Spanish are all available.

Google recently introduced channels, enhancing AdSense reporting.

When a channel is selected Google modifies the java script to include additional tracking. The additional tracking information allows webmasters to track a variety of metrics across their sites. Channels can be used to measure performance on various domains, differences in revenue with various ad sizes, or placement. By assigning each group of pages to a specific channel and comparing results in custom channel reports webmasters can work at increasing their AdSense revenue.

Google determines the content of the ads that are shown, webmasters serious about earning revenue from Google AdSense can use the following guidelines to optimize their website and ensure that targeted and relevant ads are served. If Google's spider has not crawled the site and determined the nature of the content, public service ads may be served. Public service ads will not accrue any AdSense revenue if clicked. As a result Google allows webmasters to designate alternate ads. Alternate ads allow webmasters to utilize the ad space in the event that Google is unable to serve targeted ads to the web page. By specifying an alternate image, HTML page, or ad server the advertising space can always being used effectively.

1.) Web page content on pages that ads are served should be static not dynamic.

2.) Ensure that the robot.txt does not prevent the web page from being spidered. Robots.txt file's will need to be removed or the following text will need to bedded to allow Google's content bot to crawl the site: User-agent: Media partners - Google

3.) If the website contains frames, select the ‘framed page’ checkbox when generating the ad layout code for that website.

4.) The body of the page and title of the page should contain contextual words that indicate a common theme on the web page.

Revenue Earned
Although Google doesn't disclose the exact revenue share or percentage that webmasters will earn, webmasters will receive a portion of the amount paid for clicks on Google ads on websites.

AdSense Conclusion:
Overall, Google AdWords can provide great supplemental income to webmasters with content sites. Implementing and maintaining Google AdSense program on a content site requires very little effort and can often bring a steady stream of additional revenue for webmasters.


30 Best Sites For Making Money With Your Blog


Over the years I have been doing tons of research getting my blogs to take off. I wanted to create some nice niche blogs that could make money on a consistent basis. I have compiled a list of the best sites I have found for making money online with your blog:

1. ProBlogger: What list would be complete without ProBlogger. This guy has made some serious cash from his blogging ventures and he shares a lot of great tips on his blog. Make sure to check it out when you get a chance, but be sure you have plenty of time. There is a ton of information to digest from this site.

2. BloogerNoob: This site has been very helpful as far as how to make money from blogs. It talks about where to get advertising and where to sign up for affiliate marketing. He also shows his income from blogging and it isn't a ridiculous amount. Last year he made $25,000 from his blog and he shows the exact earnings from different advertising techniques.

3. JohnChow: This guys site has a lot of random stuff mixed in with blogging topics. But in my opinion it makes things a little more interesting. So check it out and have a good laugh at the same time.

4. CarloCab: Don't let his age fool you. He may be young be started making money online when he was 13. He is up there with some of the big hitters of the industry and his website provides some great insight into making money online.

5. Technorati: This is a great place to add your blog to. This is probably one of the biggest if not biggest blogging communities out there. It can get you some great exposure if used right.

6. StevePavlina: This guy's website doesn't have all the glitz and glam as other sites. But the content is top rated. If you are trying to make money with your blog this is a great resource with many great articles to help you in your quest to monetize your blog.

7. ShoeMoney: This guy is one of the big guys in the blogging industry. His advice is awesome but again this is one of those sites where you need lots of time to go through all of the great content. This is another one of my favorite sites to check when I have some time.

8. BloggingTips: This site has a lot of useful content. It has articles on how to monetize your blogs but it also includes themes for your blog, a forum, and many other areas of blogging interest. Be sure to check this one out.

9. BlogHerald: The two biggest things I love about this site are the podcasts and the interviews. I love listening to the podcasts when I'm driving to work or have some spare time. It makes it so I don't have to be in front of a computer in order to get some updates. I also really like that they have a section devoted to interviews, I find it very interesting to see how other people have made it in this industry.

10. UpstartBlogger: Once you get past the layout of the blog (It is setup similar to a newspaper), you will find some good advice. One thing I like about this blog is it actually has monthly reports on how much money it generates. There is also a wealth of knowledge and resources for other blog related stuff.

11. DailyBlogTips: This site has many great articles on blogging and I still have yet to check out everything. But from what I have seen it has been very helpful in getting my blogs off the ground.

12. CopyBlogger: This blog has many great tips on getting readers to your blog and other ways to monetize your blog site.

13. BloggingPro: I was recommended to check this site out from a friend and haven't gotten a chance to look over it much. But I have read a few articles and they all seemed rellevant and well put together.

14. Blogtrepreneur: This site has some great content on many things. I liked the blogging section and the SEO section. The adsense and affiliate marketing section is also very interesting.

15. BuildABetterBlog: In blogging content is king. And that being said this site is about building better blogs with more enriching content.

16. Widgetbox: Seeing as how we are half way through our list I figured I would throw something fun in the mix. Every blog needs a little sprucing up so head over to widget box and find that perfect widget to make your blog stand out.

17. BloggingExperiment: This is a guy that mostly has experience flipping websites. So a lot of his advice is pretty interesting. The interesting thing about this site is they have movies that you can watch about how to make money online through various means.

18. BloggerUnleashed: This guy has a really interesting perspective on blogging in my opinion. You will just have to check it out to see what I am talking about.

19. Blogsessive: My favorite section of this site is the "Best Blog Tips" section. This has a lot of the more interesting posts of the year.

20. GarryConn: This guy has lots of advice on how to make money online. Its a good stop in your blogging experience.

21. DoshDosh: At first glance this may look like a cheesy anime site. But on closer examination you can see it is a legitimate blogging for money advice website.

22. AndyBeard: This is a great site if you are thinking about starting up a niche blog. He gives great advice and tips on which niches are good to go with.

23. CanIMakeBigMoneyOnline: This site is setup to look like a business site and it gets straight down to business with how you can make money online.

24. PureBlogging: A great site with great tips. Check it out when you get done reading the other 23 websites above.

25. MarketingTips: In order to have a money making blog, marketing is key. This site focuses on how to market your blog and bring people to it.

26. MomsCashBlog: In this site the author gives amazing advice on various subjects in blogging.

27. ThouShallBlog: This site has tons of great advice on everything from SEO to just plain out blogging and posts. Its a great site and shouldn't be overlooked just because its towards the bottom of the list.

28. MasonWorld: This site may not be directly related to blogging but its great for online marketing.

29. DavidRisely: This guy is making good money with blogging. I hate his titles font but other than that an overall great place for information on making money from blogging.

30. ReveNews: Ok, ok so this isn't really about blogging. But at the end of the day its really nice to see how much others are making online. This is kind of like inspiration and should help motivate you in your blogging.


Start a Blog


a. Free blog website.

b. Your "Own" blog website with domain name and blog hosting account.

a. Free blog website can be started very quickly and easily by just typing into your web browser "free blog website" for an Internet search. A whole list of free sites will be generated, offering free blog sites, from posting your photos, videos or diary journals to book, movie, music reviews. You can post what you like within certain rules, that can vary from site to site.

Decide on a site that you would like to sign up with, read and confirm that you have read their rules and away you go. All the instructions are normally there for you to follow. These sites are very user friendly, some have forums or support desks to turn to if you get stuck.

b. How to start your "Own" blog website, incorporating your domain name and blog hosting account. Here it is more advanced but the good news, there is lots of help on the Internet if you learn to type the right questions into your search browser. Questions you may ask could include the following:

"How do I decide on a domain name?" "Buy a domain name" "Web hosting account" "How Do I transfer my domain name to hosting account" " How to set up a wordpress blog" "How to install a Akismet plug in" (This will catch all unwanted spam filling your comment folder).

What ever the question there is always an answer on today's web. So go ahead and get started on your own blog.


How to Make Money Blogging - Monetize Your Blogs


Is there anything more natural in this world than self-expression? Express themselves is exactly what people do when they blog. After all, blogs are simply personal thoughts and expressions that are put into a digital format. This the reason why many people consider blogs as some form of online journal or diary.

What many people do not realize though is that this form of self-expression can be a great way to make money online. If you want to know how to make money blogging then read this article in its entirety because here you will discover concrete ways on how to monetize your blogs. Blogging is one of the easiest and most fun ways to make money on the Internet and it so easy to do so that even a 10-year old kid can do it.

So without further adieu, here are the blog monetizing ways for people who want to know how to make money blogging.

1. Affiliate Programs. Blogging is a very effective marketing technique and you can use blogs to market other people's products through the different affiliate programs that are available on the Internet. This is probably one of the easiest ways for you to make money online. All you need to do is drive enough traffic to your affiliate link and for sure you will be making tons of money from affiliate programs.

2. Advertising. You can also make money blogging through advertisements on your blog. One of the most popular online advertising system is Google AdSense. Signing up to Google AdSense is free and setting it up on your blog is easy. Google AdSense will also tailor fit the type of ads to put on your blog according to the theme or topics of your site.

3. Textlinks. This is one of the newest ways to earn for people who want to know how to make money blogging. The use of textlinks is also an advertising method but instead of employing actual ads that can usually clutter a site, ads are embedded through clickable words on your blog.

These are just some of the ways for people who want to know how to make money blogging.

(Source: http://EzineArticles.com)

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